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2020-08-20 10:44 性质:转载 作者:科尼港口解决方案 来源:科尼港口解决方案
南非APM码头有限公司于今年五月初在南非伊丽莎白港签收了一台科尼静压传动正面吊。它取代了一台旧设备,并为非洲大陆带去最新的重型叉车节能技术。APM Terminal...


APM Terminals Southern Africa (Pty.) Ltd. received a Konecranes reach stacker equipped with Flow Drive at their facility in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, in early May this year. It replaces an older truck and brings the latest fuel-efficient lift truck technology to the African continent.

作为世界上最大的港口和码头运营商之一,APM Terminals 在全球58个国家拥有74个港口和码头设施和100多个内陆服务运营点。在南非,他们有6个内陆堆场,其中包括伊丽莎白港,该港口提供冷藏和干货集装箱堆存服务,可以存放重箱和空箱,还提供集装箱的的维修和销售业务。他们每年搬运数千个集装箱,需要几十辆重型叉车来完成这项任务。面对如此繁忙的业务需求,即便是高品质的设备也会逐渐磨损。因此,APM需要一台崭新的集装箱正面吊。

As one of the world’s largest port and terminal operators, APM Terminals has 74 port and terminal facilities and over 100 inland service operations in a total of 58 countries. In South Africa, they have 6 inland service depots, including Port Elizabeth, which offers reefer and dry container storage for full and empty containers, as well as container repairs and sales. They handle thousands of containers a year and require dozens of lift trucks for the task. The demands of such a busy container yard eventually wear out even the best equipment. APM needed a new reach stacker.

科尼集团重型叉车事业部中东和非洲区域经理Winfried Lux表示: “科尼在世界各地的APM堆场都有亮眼的表现。在伊丽莎白港,APM码头已经对我们的重型叉车有了很好的使用经验,现在正是向该地区引进第一款静压传动正面吊的时候。而EIE集团是实现这一目标的关键。”

“Konecranes has a strong presence in APM facilities all over the world,” says Winfried Lux, Regional Manager MEA, Konecranes Lift Trucks. “APM Terminals already had good experience with our lift trucks in Port Elizabeth, and the time was right to introduce the first Flow Drive reach stacker to the region. EIE Group was key in making that happen.” 

“APM码头和EIE集团有着长期的业务往来,并且这种合作关系还在日益加深,”EIE集团的大客户销售Lenny Naidoo表示,“作为科尼集团的本地经销商,我们了解客户的需求模式,同时也很高兴能将这项创新技术带到这里。我们将为伊丽莎白港的整组重型叉车车队提供维护保养服务,并将其作为持续服务的一部分。”

“APM Terminals and EIE Group have a special, long-term business relationship that continues to grow and flourish,” says Lenny Naidoo, Key Account Sales, EIE Group. “As the local distributor for Konecranes, we knew exactly the right model for APM’s requirements, and are excited to be bringing this innovative technology here. We’ll provide maintenance as part of our continuing service package to the entire Port Elizabeth lift truck fleet.”

这台新设备是科尼SMV 4531 TC5型集装箱正面吊,配备了静压传动系统。它将静压传动的流畅性、液力变矩器的燃油经济性和小而强大的沃尔沃TAD-835-VE发动机结合在一起,这两种技术被糅合到一个减速箱中,从而可以减少最高25%的燃油消耗。软件优化了各种速度下的驾驶性能,使驾驶员可以集中精力完成吊装这一主要任务。少加油不仅可以降低成本,还可以为生产留出更多时间。静压传动带给我们更低的排放,更好的性能,更高的精度以及安全性。这一台正面吊还定制了可滑动的驾驶舱,为驾驶员提供更好的工作视野。

The new reach stacker is a Konecranes SMV 4531 TC5, equipped with Flow Drive. It combines the smoothness of a hydrostatic transmission with the fuel economy of a torque converter and a small but powerful Volvo TAD-853-VE engine – two technologies built into one transmission in a specially-designed engine compartment – that can reduce fuel consumption by up to 25 percent. Software optimizes drivability at all speeds so that the driver can concentrate on the main task of lifting. Less refueling not only lowers costs, but allows more time for productivity. The net result of Flow Drive is lower emissions, but with improved performance, precision and safety. This particular truck has also been customized with a hydraulic sliding cabin for better driver visibility.


This is a part ofPowered by Ecolifting, Konecranes’ vision to minimize the footprint and improve the handprint of equipment terminals. From eco-optimizing diesel drives, to hybridization and fully-electrified fleets, we will continue to do more with less.



