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2020-07-06 17:22 阅读:498




  • •使用合适的桅杆结构

  • •驾驶员座椅的位置(驾驶员站立位置,驾驶员舱)

  • -可以在提升门架的侧面上-以便驾驶员可以越过门架的侧面看--可以抬高以便驾驶员可以在门架上方看-可以越过以便驾驶员可以看向货物的侧面-或旋转座位,以便驾驶员可以将重物保持在身后。


  • •驾驶室的位置,以提供最佳的行驶路线,负载和负载处理方式的视野。

  • -可移动的驾驶室,可以侧向移动-或在举升时随载荷升高。

  • •允许驾驶室旋转的功能,以便驾驶员在前进或后退时都可以看到行驶方向。

  • -安装双重控制装置,使驾驶员可以在两个控制装置之间旋转,并在前进或后退时具有良好的视野。

  • •驾驶室或驾驶台的结构

  • -四周窗户-透明地板透明屋顶。

  • •通过以下方式提高了对高负荷行驶路径的了解:

  • -安装合适的镜子-在驾驶室中安装带屏幕的录像机-侧面可移动的驾驶室。

  • •安装雨刮器和车窗除冰控件,以使驾驶员的视野不受天气条件的限制。


Forklift Trucks should be constructed in a way that the driver has clear view of the travel path as well as the forks or the load.
The visibility can be increased by various means:
a) in forklift trucks:

  • • Using suitable mast constructions

  • • Location of the drivers seat (drivers standing location, drivers cabin)

- either on the side of the lift mast - so that the driver can see past the side of the mast - or elevated so that the driver can look above the mast - or across so that driver can look alongside of the load - or with rotating seat so that the driver can keep the load behind him.
b) in high capacity lift trucks for the transport of large or irregular loads.

  • • Location of the driver cabin to offer best possible visibility over travel path, load and load handling means.

- Moveable drivers cabin which can either move sideways - or elevates with the loads while lifting.

  • • Provisions for the drivers cabin to rotate so that driver can see in the direction of travel either when driving forward or in reverse.

- Installation of dual controls so that driver can swivel between the two of them and has good visibility while traveling forward or reverse.

  • • Construction of the drivers cabin or the drivers stand

- windows all around - transparent floor transparent roof.

  • • Increased visibility with view upon the path of travel with elevated loads by:

- installation of suitable mirrors - installation of video recorders with screens in the drivers cabin - sideways movable drivers cabin.

  • • Installation of windshield wipers and window de-icing controls so that the drivers view is not limited by weather conditions.

