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  模驱可(MOTREC)是一家专业生产工业运输车辆 – 承载车和牵引车的世界著名制造商。成立于1988年,总部位于加拿大魁北克省,所生产的工业车辆在人员运输及承载货物方面节省了大量工作时间,提高了生产力和生产效率;在牵引车方面对于长距离的运输是非常理想, 减少了昂贵的叉车使用费用。高质量、高可靠性和与客户的紧密合作使得模驱可(MOTREC)处于世界同行业领先地位,80%的产品出口,并在国外市场取得成功的保证。1998年,模驱可(MOTREC)搬进30,000平方米的新厂房,年生产量增加了2000台。
  *可靠的零部件,如自动盘式制动器和差动轮,最初是为挖掘机上150KW发动机设计的,完全可以配合我们电动   马达的高扭矩;
G-500和G-660带有33KW 久保田柴油和液化气发动机,专为条件苛刻的工业企业,如钢厂、铝炼厂,矿厂等设计。我们的产品加速了大型企业的运转。
    厦门伟顺工贸有限公司及其香港公司 – 冠傑发展有限公司是模驱可(MOTREC)在大中国区域的总经销商。公司以质量和服务作为企业发展的根基,以诚信作为企业发展的座右铭,以用户得到最大的受益作为企业的目标。我们很高兴能够给您们提供全面的咨询、销售、维护保养和零配件供应活动,以确保您在模驱可(MOTREC)产品的投资得到最大利益。
Motrec creates and manufactures industrial vehicles renowned for their superior quality, performance and reliability.
Our carriers first charged onto the heavy-equipment scene in 1988, standing up to even the roughest operating conditions. Over years of use and after constant improvements, they developed an enviable reputation for being solid and dependable vehicles.
In 1990, Motrec designed its first electric tow tractor, the E-280B , to meet the new demands of just-in-time supply for North American automobile industry assembly lines.
In 1993, the company received its UL certification.
A new factory was built in 1998, equipped with the latest manufacturing equipment. Management took advantage of this opportunity to integrate the KAIZEN and lean manufacturing concepts into their workflow.
These changes allowed Motrec to achieve significant increases in productivity. The production capacity leapt from several hundred to over 2000 vehicles per year.
In 2001, Motrec made an entry into the European market, leading in 2003 to the launch of the GT series vehicles, made especially for markets where aesthetics play heavily into the purchasing equation.
Throughout its evolution, Motrec has capitalized on every opportunity to improve its product line and diversify its markets, helping its business partners along the way. Today, Motrec offers the most complete range of industrial vehicles and tow tractors in the industry.
Take a look down the service corridors of any air terminal, hospital or industrial complex, and chances are you’ll see a Motrec vehicle hard at work. A factory tour might find you comfortably seated in one of our electric shuttles – appreciating your host’s dedication to getting the very best.

主要经营: 主营行业:
企业类型: 企业单位 经营模式: 叉车及物流搬运设备制造商 
成立时间: 经营地址: 厦门市育青路35号901
员工人数: 注册资本: